It takes a certain sort of kind set to know when to give up. We are taught that perseverance is a quality to develop. I beg to differ.

Give up playing it safe. Very little was ever achieved by taking the safe option or the most certain route. If you are aiming for more than mediocrity, playing it safe is something you need to give up. Takes risks.

Give up on self-doubt. It’s unproductive and, very often, simple catastrophising. Focus instead on all that you have achieved, on every time it has worked out and on each success you’ve had in life. Everyone experiences self-doubt – the trick is not to listen.

Give up self-judgement. We are often our own harshest critics. Think instead what you would say with love and compassion to another person. Most of what we do is the best we can do under the very special set of circumstances under which we do it. Be gentle with yourself.

Give up negativity. Positive thinking can sometimes be misconstrued as unrealistic and unfounded, but it really only means acceptance. Accepting that what happens can be viewed as a learning experience and that what in the past we first thought was a disaster led to beautiful things. Negativity can only destroy motivation and self-respect. In giving up negativity, one raises the bar.

Give up being out of control. Rolling with whatever life throws at you is no plan for success. We can all live a ‘reactive’ life in this sense and achieve nothing but survival. Life is abut more than mere survival, so take control of your own path. Make your own decisions in the knowledge that you will own the outcome, whatever it may be.

Give up perfection. If you wait for the perfect moment to do anything, you are guaranteed a long wait. If you only accept perfect outcomes, you are guaranteed disappointment. Let go of the need to be perfect, and accept yourself as good enough.