One more day
One more sunlight ray
Ray of hope
Ray of light
Light my fire
Light desire
Desire burning
Desire learning
Learning fast
Learning at last
Last past the post
Last is most
Most of the time
Mostly mine
Mine to parade
Mine displayed
Displayed in public
Displayed for a kick
Kick him when he’s down
Kick the clown
Clown abound
Clowns around
Around here
Around fear
Fear nothing
Fear something
Something new
Something untrue
Untrue rumours
Untrue consumers
Consumers thinking
Consumers sinking
Sinking in goods
Sinking in ‘should’s
‘Should’s of remorse
‘Shoulds’, of course
Course of events
Course of intents
Intents to renew
Intents to eschew
Eschew hatred
Eschew the sacred
Sacred survival
Sacred arrival
Arrival in time
Arrival in line
Line up for this one
Line up for more