Scott Langston

Counselling and Mindfulness

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A precious gift winged back graciously with a newfound comrade
Requested, admittedly, but despite that still nicely played
Tiny little thoughtful gestures, building bridges, setting scenes
Providing succour, nourishing, customising host cuisines
What begins as a love/hate relationship makes us braver
This is now a comfort, familiar and homely savour
More heartfelt, problematic and contentious than mere flavour
Let me open your secrets and won’t you come to my aid?
Darker and scarier than multitudinous Halloweens
It’s a matter of taste, I insist, my point to belabour

Does double acrostic exist as a thing? It does now…

There she blows

The day is stifling heat
Humid,even here,to the touch
Excitement felt at the promise
Realistic, though, bet-hedging as ever
Eager for a sighting, full of hope
Scanning the twinkling seas
Humpback whale, oceanic mammoth
Each false sighting helps anticipate...
Behind us! goes the cry. We look, absorb
Launching, a balletic, fun-filled twirl
One, three, four - performance in macro
Whales breach, flukes splash, blowholes blow
Scenes of splendour, humbling memories

A double Etheree today…Private

A shared moment
Of trust and of hope
Something passed between us
Something profound and surreal
Daring us to grasp on, hold tight
Never letting this moment leave us
Hungrily holding on with all our might
Knowing now, this is not just another night
A hint of a future, suddenly real
Not imagined, extant and bright
More than the sum of our parts
A shared vision of hearts
Time now to absorb
Eternity nears
And how you

A triolet in iambic pentameter – an apology

I’m so sorry it had to be this way
My intention was not to cause you pain
Perhaps we’ll feign again another day
I’m so sorry it had to be this way
But leaving is easier, as they say
Than being left, lost and wounded again
I’m so sorry it had to be this way
My intention was not to cause you pain


So the prompt was “A darkest hour poem”

It doesn't get much worse than this
Unsmiling face and empty kiss
No solace here, my darkest hour
A stark moment when love turns sour

Peering into the abyss
It doesn't get much worse than this
A little death; this love was our
Brave new world, a call to power

Delicate, a brief Spring flower
Fading in my ivory tower
It doesn't get much worse than this
Ill-advised dreams fail in darkness

So here it is, my darkest hour
Nothing left now, hope's meek cower
My ending nears, an anti-bliss
It doesn't get much worse than this


Glorious, they said, aloud
Head held high, saluting, proud
A victory march, again
More lies broadcast by his pen
Reality disavowed

His job done, his public wowed
No silver lining, this cloud
One more End-of-Days omen
Glorious, they said

Take a look back at fields ploughed
With all that hindsight allowed
Think too what will happen
If we abstain once again
And clothe ourselves in that shroud
Glorious, they said


Words capturing feelings

Like drawing the Mona Lisa

With hopscotch chalk

On a gravel path

Whilst the model grimaces, coughs

And rearranges herself

Finally leaves, as clouds mask the sun,

Dances in the rain

And returns, soaked and uncooperative,

To scowl at the artist

And even then

Just as the outline form seems right

The rains wash eveything away

Other patterns form and reform

And the hapless artist

Can only watch

And drop is useless tools to the ground.


This – from 12 November 2005

I received a link to on online diary website I had forgotten I ever joined. It has taken me back to Viet Nam…

Beethoven’s ‘Ode to Joy’ is beginning to sound  recognisable, although he probably never envisaged the  distortion from the amp or the effects of the whammy bar…. I’’m also getting to grips with a jazzy version of ‘Happy birthday’ for Munch’’s big day in only three weeks’ time.  Two already – …hard to believe.

I’m teaching full time now. So the book is grinding to a  halt. Who am I kidding? It ground …ages ago. It’’s not  really a writer’’s block – -more a writer’’s apathy. This  project is in danger of slipping out of sight and mind. I  just can’’t get to it.

Sometimes I just look at my daughter and I think, ‘’That’’s  it. I’ve  achieved. Anything else I do from here on in is a  bonus.’…’ And it’’s not a bad thought.

Thoughts on this, 12 and a half years later…

  1. Beethoven’s Ode to Joy is still on the agenda. Guitar lessons have been revived as I invested in an electric guitar for my mid-life crisis.
  2. The book – The Year of the Monkey – never got back off the ground after a return to full time teaching. Other bits of writing, as this site is testament, do surface from time to time.
  3. Munch is now 14, and I still look at her and think the same thing.
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