Praise me
Praise indeed
Indeed I would
Indeed I could
Could be stronger
Could be better
Better at being
Better than this
This trembling thing
This spirit
Spirit faltering
Faltering fast
Falter at last
Last ditch effort
Last reprieve
Reprieve this time
Reprieve is mine
Mine to bear
Mine to give
Give enough hope
Give enough rope
Rope to hang
Rope to bind
Bind these ideals
Bind these wounds
Wounds weeping
Wounds healing
Healing the pain
Healing again
Again the abyss
Again remiss
Remiss of duty
Remiss in this
This monumental effort
This moment
Moment of doubt
Moment of decision
Decision to move
Decision to prove
Prove I’m alive
Prove I’m able
Able to rise up
Able to be worthy
Worthy of acclaim
Worthy of applause
Applause as praise
Applause for me